We are a ministry training academy equipping the saints for works of service.
Kingston, Jamaica – July 28, 2014: After almost a year of planning, preparation and prayer, the Damian Jean-Baptiste Caribbean School of Ministry, kicked off in late July with a three-day training course in Kingston, Jamaica.
The maiden cohort was comprised of more than 100 students from the Churches of Christ in Jamaica with a few representatives from other Caribbean islands. Participants completed classes on Biblical Interpretation, the first component of an eight module programme.
The thought-provoking lectures were delivered by Caribbean Teachers, Courtney Bailey, from Kingston, Jamaica and Tyrone Marcus of Port of Spain, Trinidad as well as biblical scholar, Douglas Jacoby.
For both Tyrone and Courtney, the delivery of the inaugural course was the culmination of a dream to provide in-depth biblical teaching to Christians in the Caribbean region while honouring the man both consider a spiritual hero, the late Damian Jean-Baptiste.
A much-loved and highly respected evangelist, Damian spent most of his adult life planting, leading and strengthening churches across the region. With many of these churches at various stages of development and maturity, Courtney and Tyrone saw the need for structured biblical and instructional training to complement the practical training and discipling that characterises the ministries of the International Churches of Christ.
The initial module exposed students to an eye-opening perspective on Biblical Interpretation. Participants were encouraged to go beyond a surface reading of the scriptures and to instead critically view the text in its historical, literary and situational context. Areas of special focus included Poetry and Psalms, Wisdom Literature, the Law and Prophets, the Gospels, the Parables, Apocalyptic Literature, the Book of Acts and the New Testament Letters.
In addition to the in-class sessions, students are expected to read at least one of two required texts and have also been encouraged to explore an extensive reading list. Full-track students, who are pursuing certification, will sit exams in August.
The regional training academy will also offer courses in Trinidad and Tobago, starting with the module on Biblical Interpretation, which is scheduled to be delivered in August.
The Damian Jean-Baptiste Caribbean School of Ministry is a Ministry Training Academy designed primarily for members of the Caribbean churches of the International Churches of Christ ('ICOC'), although non-ICOC members are welcome to attend and participate.
The CSM has been formed in response to the need for deeper and more structured Biblical and instructional training to accompany the practical training and discipling characteristic of our ministries in the ICOC.
Named in memory of Caribbean Evangelist, Faith Hero and Visionary, Damian Jean-Baptiste (September 22, 1964 – November 9, 2012), the CSM has as its aim the training and equipping of disciples of Christ to serve in the different kinds of ministries to which God has called them individually.
The CSM aims to accomplish these goals by face to face and online education in:
• Biblical Interpretation
• Preaching and Teaching
• Church History
• Biblical Counselling
• Spiritual Disciplines
• Marriage & Family
• Ministry Leadership
• Church Building and
• Surveys of the Old and New Testament
CSM teaching will be delivered by face to face sessions held in Kingston, Jamaica and Port of Spain, Trinidad, twice annually in each location, with web access for students who are unable to attend in these locations.
The primary teachers for the programme are local Caribbean teachers Courtney Bailey and Tyrone Marcus, who have served in various capacities in churches throughout the Caribbean over several years. However CSM teachers will also include International Teachers from churches in our fellowship outside the Caribbean.
Enrollment and participation in the Damian Jean-Baptiste Caribbean School of Ministry is open to all persons who are interested in deeper teaching from the scriptures and in being trained and better equipped to serve in whatever ministry to which they feel called by God.
The cost of registration for Full-Track students enrolled to sit exams and receive certification is US$100.00 per module. The cost of registration for Open-track students merely auditing the course and not sitting exams or seeking certification is US$25 – US$75 per module, depending on how many sessions the student intends to attend.
For further information please contact us at djbcsm@gmail.com.